Sunday, July 5, 2015

When Money Is Corrupted - Hidden Secrets Of Money Ep 5

When Money Is Corrupted - Hidden Secrets Of Money Ep 5

Welcome to the 5th episode of Michael Maloney's Hidden Secrets Of Money. In this instalment, we travel to Berlin and Frankfurt, where we were able to film the money museum inside the of the world's largest Central Banks. This episode serves as an ideal primer for those waking up to the monetary matrix around them, as it clearly shows the history of true money and why it so important to our freedom. The quality of a society is directly proportional to the quality of its money. Debase a currency for long enough, and you end up with dangerous deficits, debt driven disasters, and eventually...delusional dictators. History proves this to be true.

When Money Is Corrupted - Hidden Secrets Of Money Ep 5
by Mike Maloney

Saturday, July 4, 2015

The Biggest Scam In The History Of Mankind (Documentary) - Hidden Secrets of Money 4

You are about to learn one of the biggest secrets in the history of the world... it's a secret that has huge effects for everyone who lives on this planet. Most people can feel deep down that something isn't quite right with the world economy, but few know what it is.

Gone are the days where a family can survive on just one paycheck... every day it seems that things are more and more out of control, yet only one in a million understand why. You are about to discover the system that is ultimately responsible for most of the inequality in our world today.

The powers that be DO NOT want you to know about this, as this system is what has kept them at the top of the financial food-chain for the last 100 years.

Learning this will change your life, because it will change the choices that you make. If enough people learn it, it will change the world... because it will change the system .

For this is the biggest Hidden Secret Of Money.

Never in human history have so many been plundered by so few, and it's all accomplished through this... The Biggest Scam In The History Of Mankind.

The Biggest Scam In The History Of Mankind (Documentary) - Hidden Secrets of Money 4
by Mike Maloney

Friday, July 3, 2015

Death Of The Dollar - Hidden Secrets Of Money Ep 3

Death Of The Dollar - Hidden Secrets Of Money Ep 3

You may have heard stories on the news lately that suggest an international move away from the US Dollar is underway...but have you ever seen these events listed on a timeline?

Join Mike Maloney in Singapore as he states his case for why he expects the world to have a new monetary system in this decade. Whether it is countries repatriating their gold supplies, or creating bilateral trade agreements -- these events are all deemed to be 'Golden Nails' in the coffin of the U.S. Dollar Standard.

This episode follows on from Episode 2, in which we learned that the world does indeed have a new monetary system approximately every 40 years. Michael Maloney lines up the facts, showing that our current system is 42 years old and is developing serious stress fractures that at some stage will break.

Death Of The Dollar - Hidden Secrets Of Money Ep 3
by Mike Maloney

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Seven Stages Of Empire - Hidden Secrets Of Money Ep 2

So there you have it folks, the Seven Stages Of Empire. Rather than write about the video itself and undo the simple elegance of Mike's explanations, I thought I'd come from a different angle -- what you can do to help us. The good news is that it is actually pretty simple. If you enjoyed the video and got something from it, please share it with your friends and family. That's it. There's no 800 number, no phone calls for donations, no pledge drive...just a couple of mouse clicks is all we ask in return for providing this educational series. Please Facebook it, tweet it, email it, whatever you can...these ideas need to be in front of as many folks as possible. Your help in sharing these videos helps us immensely. Even just clicking the 'Like' button above is great google juice that adds up to more people understanding how they are being screwed.

As you would have heard at the end of the video, Hidden Secrets Of Money is funded by proceeds from, of which Michael Maloney is CEO. I'll be forever grateful to Michael and our team for investing such a huge amount of time and energy in this series. Most companies would have locked this content down to their own website and charged a fee for viewing it in able to recoup the expense, but insisted that it be free for everyone to see. The reason for this is that the series fits's Mission Statement like a glove:

To transform economic storms into opportunity and prosperity for all who will listen.

So in closing, I hope you enjoy Episode 2, and that you might convince some friends and family to have a look at it as well.

Seven Stages Of Empire - Hidden Secrets Of Money Ep 2
by Mike Maloney

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Money vs Currency - Hidden Secrets Of Money Ep 1

Money is the 1st Episode of Mike Maloney's Hidden Secrets of Money, a series presented by Mike Maloney as he travels the world to uncover the Hidden Secrets of Money.

Money vs Currency - Hidden Secrets Of Money Ep 1
by Mike Maloney

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Told you so on Greece!

And Greece is only the first country to default, it won't be the last as aging populations are the proverbial bill that now has to be paid by countries who used their retirement systems as piggy banks to fund deficit spending they never should have engaged in in the first place (cough, America, cough, cough!)Greece's pension deficit is 9% of their $242Bn GDP or $24Bn – really a drop in the bucket of their $365Bn total debt, but it's the pension funds their ECB creditors insist on raiding to balance the books despite the fact that it will actually KILL PEOPLE to cut benefits further at this point.
Greece Debt © Steve Sack,The Minneapolis Star Tribune,Greece, debt, Greek
The Banksters at the ECB and IMF don't care how many old people starve as long as they can extend and pretend on their payments for another few quarters.  Of course, their actions exacerbate the problem as Greece's austerity-collapsing stock market (and low bond rates) has destroyed $28Bn of pension fund value since 2012 alone.  As part of a package of savings and tax increases, Greece’s creditors are demanding the government cut pensions by the equivalent of 1% of gross domestic output, a more rapid clampdown on early retirees and for supplementary pensions to be financed by contributions, not by the state (which would effectively mean cutting them further).
Look at the spiral Greece has fallen into:  20.5% of Greece's 11M people are over 65 (and there are currently 400,000 new pension applications on hold due to Government cutbacks) while, because of the austerity measures being undertaken to pay off debts, 50% of the youths in the country (16-24) are unemployed – meaning they can't contribute to the pension system.  It's not like Greek pensions are generous, either, with half of them below the poverty limit of $775/month.  In fact Greece's (EL on this chart) spending per beneficiary is in the low middle of the EU pack:
The Banksters of the EU, through the IMF and ECB are pushing to purge retirees’ benefits, cut supplementary pensions horizontally across the board and raise additional revenues by squeezing a drastically depleted pool of taxpayers, which would in the short-term allow Greece to unlock the next €7bn tranche of bailout funds (more debt to pay) that it needs to carry on servicing its current debt (and not default). WHAT KIND OF IDIOCY IS THIS?  Of course you will get to the point where you can't cut more or can't pile on more new debt to pay old debt – this is what I've been warning you about…
Anyway, I've made this point before and now it's reaching the end game but the real point of this rehash is to make sure you understand that this is happening in DOZENS of other countries – just at earlier stages. The reason the IMF/ECB is being insanely tough on Greece is because there are 8 other countries they have to deal with next who owe a HELL OF A LOT MORE than $360Bn!
If you have been reading us this month, you know we're short the China ETF (FXI) and you know why, so I'm not going to rehash it all here (see: "Greece and China Race to Default" or "China Stocks Drop 6.5% Yet the MSM is Silent?"). China is only better off than Greece in that they get to print their own money and make up their own economic statistics without the fear of being audited (it was an audit of Goldman Sach's cooked books that began the Greek crisis). That means China has less chance of having their backs placed against the wall than Greece but that doesn't mean that, like fellow BRIC nations Brazil and Russia, investors won't simply lose confidence in what is more and more obviously an unsustainable system.
Margin Debt Versus Stocks
China depends on constant growth in stocks and real estate to keep their economy growing and, over the past decade, whenever the economy began to falter, the governments (national and local) stepping in with growth programs. Now the first of those 10-year bonds are starting to default and the local governments don't have access to easy capital so China changed the rules and allowed much more margin investing in their stock market. That has accomplished a 150% rise in stocks (and debt) in the past 12 months yet there are people who will tell you with a straight face that this is sustainable – it's not.

Since last June, the Chinese markets have gained $6Tn (150%) in PRICE (not value!) as margin debt climbed from $100Bn to $358Bn (250%).  Meanwhile, net inflows of cash into the Chinese markets were just $200Bn.  $200Bn + $358Bn is not $6,000Bn is it? Not to mention that the MAJORITY of this money is coming through via asset funds that are loaded with completely junk stocks that few self-respecting US firms would touch.   
That's because the PRICE of the stock market is based on what the last person paid – not what everyone paid.  Just because the last person paid $10Tn (current market cap for China) doesn't mean the next person will.  In fact, now you need $150% more inflows and debt ($1.4Tn) to maintain this pace and, just to SUSTAIN the current level, you need to find another $750Bn in cash and debt because we're beginning this period at the top of the range vs $558Bn being the average of the previous range. 
There’s definitely a ceiling on margin-lending,”said Wu Kan, fund manager at Dragon Life Insurance Co., which oversees about $3.3 billion. “Once leveraged investors begin to cut their holdings, it means they’ve turned cautious on the market and that will probably spark a correction.”
With so much borrowed money at stake, market downturns run the risk of snowballing as traders are forced to sell shares to meet margin calls. The Shanghai already dropped 6.6% in a single day on 5/28 when one brokerage upped margin requirements and 7.7% on 1/9 when regulators suspended new margin accounts (which they quickly backed off on).
The China Securities Regulatory Commission is planning to curb the amount of margin finance and short selling to no more than four times a brokerage’s net capital, according to draft rules posted on its website June 12th. There is currently no ceiling. In 2008, the Shanghai composite fell 70% in 10 months but, at the time, that "only" cost investors $1.6Tn out of $2.5Tn yet still the whole World fell apart. What happens if we drop $7Tn now?

This morning there was no additional stimulus from China (something that was expected going into the weekend) and the Chinese markets fell 2% into the close. Most notably, Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Ltd. lost 3 percent amid disappointment authorities didn’t make an announcement on the city’s stock link with Shenzhen as had been speculated. That has been one of the key drivers of the recent rally in mainland shares – theoretical access to International money through Hong Kong.
Will International buyers be dumb enough to push money into the Chinese markets just because the exchanges open up and even though China is clearly in a bubble. LOL – do you really have to ask?
Meanwhile, in May, Chinese company insiders(senior executives or their relatives) sold a combined 1.68BN shares, tripling April's total - much more than in each of the previous months of this year, according to data compiled by Reuters. It's not just company management who are selling; major cornerstone investors, freed from mandated lock-up periods, are also reducing their stakes. Cornerstone stakeholders slashed 109Bn Yuan ($18Bn) worth of China-listed shares in May, double the amount sold during the previous month, according to data from Southwest Securities.
Rats are leaving the ship, folks – are you just watching it happen from your first-class cabin windows?

Read in tallmarkets